Dr Tony Farrell

General Practitioner

Tony has now been with the Mount Medical Centre for 24 years and continues to enjoy treating patients in the local community. He has a personable, relaxed style and works hard to maintain positive therapeutic relationships with his patients. He is involved with teaching young doctors and is the clinical director of the addiction services that operate out of our medical centre. Tony has a Fellowship in addiction medicine, and you may see him from time to time in the paper advocating for better alcohol regulation, and for reducing harm from drugs.

Tony is interested in all aspects of family health care and believes in continuity for patients from the cradle to the grave. He has a good network of clinicians at his disposal and works very hard to get his clients the best treatment for their health issues in a timely manner. Tony is currently working on a Ministry of Health project aiming to rid the country of Hepatitis C infection. He serves on the P.H.O. mental health committee and is a trustee of Hamner Clinic. Tony is also a trustee for Parenting and Life Skills for men, a community initiative designed to reduce family violence and assist young fathers to do the best for their children.

His hobbies include woodworking and guitar but feels he is a novice at both and likely to stay that way for some time. He has a lovely wife, Donna and 3 children fast-moving through their 20’s.